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The 5 Chapters to Recruiting Passive Candidates

Give recruiters a hug who headhunt, friends don't let friends eat Kellanova snacks and the Unluckiest Candidate Ever

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Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was — and still is — the most important thing we do."

Marc Benioff

But first a cheesy Sumato Coffee break story ☕️

Amidst the chaos of his hectic day, Rick found solace in his coffee break. The rich aroma of Sumato Coffee’s freshly roasted beans filled his kitchen as he prepared a cup using his French press. As he took the first sip, the smooth, full-bodied flavor transported him to the pleasant coffee meetings he had with his mentor years ago. For those few moments, his worries faded, and he felt a renewed sense of calm and clarity, ready to face the rest of his day.

In today’s email:

  • Job News: The 5 Chapters to Recruiting Passive Candidates.

  • Overheard at coffee: The Big Split: Kellogg’s Becomes Kellanova!

  • Trending AI Tools: AskPot is an AI tool for competitive analysis.

  • Hot Jobs: (keep scrolling down ⬇️)

  • Recruiting Fails: The Unluckiest Candidate Ever…

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Job News

It’s easy to post jobs and pray candidates apply but can you headhunt? Below are 5 quick chapters on how to recruit passive candidates.

Chapter One: The Invisible Talent Pool

Recruiting passive candidates – those who are not actively seeking new job opportunities – can feel like searching for hidden treasures. To find these elusive professionals, you must expand your search beyond traditional methods:

1. Leverage Professional Networks: Attend industry conferences, webinars, and networking events to connect with top talent.

2. Utilize Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and Twitter are goldmines for finding passive candidates. Engage with industry-related content and join professional groups.

3. Referral Programs: Tap into your existing employees' networks by implementing a robust referral program, incentivizing them to recommend potential candidates.

Chapter Two: The Art of Persuasion

Once you've identified potential passive candidates, the next step is to persuade them to consider your opportunity. This requires a nuanced approach and many recruiters struggle to persuade candidates by rushing too fast. Remember, changing jobs is a big decision. 

1. Personalized Outreach: Craft tailored messages that highlight specific aspects of their background and how they align with your company's needs.

2. Highlight Unique Value Propositions: Emphasize what sets your company apart, such as innovative projects, growth opportunities, and unique culture.

3. Build Relationships: Foster genuine connections through regular, meaningful interactions rather than immediate job pitches.

Chapter Three: Timing is Everything

Understanding the importance of timing is crucial when engaging passive candidates. Sometimes the timing is not right and that’s okay. 

1. Respect Their Current Commitments: Acknowledge their current projects and express understanding of their professional responsibilities.

2. Maintain Regular Contact: Keep the communication lines open with periodic check-ins and updates about your company’s progress.

3. Be Patient and Persistent: Recognize that passive candidates may not be ready to move immediately. Patience and consistent, non-intrusive engagement are key.

Chapter Four: Competitive Offers

When a passive candidate expresses interest, be prepared to face competition from other companies or their current company. This most likely will not be verbal acceptance on the first offer. 

1. Research Market Trends: Understand the compensation packages and benefits offered by your competitors.

2. Craft a Compelling Offer: Present an offer that includes competitive salary, comprehensive benefits, and unique perks that align with the candidate’s values and needs.

3. Highlight Career Growth: Emphasize long-term growth opportunities within your organization to make your offer stand out.

Chapter Five: The Cultural Fit

Ensuring a good cultural fit is essential for the long-term success of both the candidate and your organization. Make sure to find out what the candidate values and align their values with what the company offers. If there is a mismatch between values, address the issues early. 

1. Facilitate Team Interactions: Arrange for the candidate to meet various team members and participate in informal gatherings (i.e., lunches and happy hours)

2. Showcase Company Culture: Invite them to company events or provide a virtual tour to give them a feel of the work environment.

3. Seek Mutual Alignment:*Ensure that both the candidate and your team feel confident about the cultural fit through open and honest discussions.

Successfully recruiting passive candidates involves persistence, strategic engagement, and genuine relationship-building. By following these five chapters, you can navigate the challenges and emerge with top-tier talent that is both skilled and culturally aligned with your organization.

Ps - good luck and this is easier said than done. You will get better with each attempt and become a headhunter before too long!

Overheard at coffee ☕️

The Big Split: Kellogg’s Becomes Kellanova!

Hey cereal lovers, did you catch the big news? In October 2023, Kellogg's decided to shake things up and split into two companies. Now, your beloved Corn Flakes and Fruit Loops stay with Kellogg’s, but say hello to Kellanova, the cool new name for their snacks and international cereals!

What’s the Deal?

Kellanova is taking charge of the fun stuff like Pringles, Pop-Tarts, Cheez-It, and even frozen foods. This change lets them focus on creating awesome snacks without being tied down by cereal.

Why the Change?

The idea is to let each company do what they do best. Kellogg's can concentrate on making breakfast classics, while Kellanova can innovate and expand in the snack world. Plus, Kellanova wants to step away from the cereals that aren’t exactly helping with health goals.

Stay Hip, Moms!

So, if you hear your kids talking about Kellanova, don’t worry. It’s just the new name for all those tasty treats you’ve known and loved. Keep an eye out, and enjoy the snacks!

This split means more specialized goodies for everyone. Let’s see what deliciousness Kellanova brings our way!

🚀  Finally an AI tool for tracking competitors so you can feel like you have your own competitive intelligence on your staff. AskPot is an AI tool for competitive analysis.

🔥 Hot Jobs - $1K Referral Fee

Recruiting Fails: The Unluckiest Candidate Ever…

Some folks seem to attract all the bad luck in the world, and our candidate, let’s call them Alex, was one of those people. Here’s the rollercoaster ride of trying to get Alex to an interview.

Round One: The Grandbaby Debut

It all started on a promising note. Alex had to reschedule the first interview because of a new grandbaby’s arrival. Sure, we thought, family comes first. Rescheduled for the following week, no big deal.

Round Two: Power Outage and Plague

When the next interview day rolled around, disaster struck again. This time, Alex’s power went out, and to top it off, they came down with a nasty case of strep throat. Another reschedule. Okay, maybe third time’s the charm?

Round Three: The Car Crash

Just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, they did. On the day of the third scheduled interview, Alex got into a car accident. Fortunately, they were okay, but the interview? Not so much. We rescheduled yet again.

Round Four: Breakdown City

At this point, the recruiter was ready to throw in the towel. But the human side of them felt like giving Alex one last shot. Surely, the universe couldn’t conspire against someone this much, right? Wrong. On the next attempt, Alex’s car broke down. Again, we had to reschedule.

By now, it felt like Alex was cursed. The recruiter, losing hope and patience, couldn't help but think, “Maybe come back when your life is in order... or just maybe, don't work at all.”

This saga became a legendary tale with our team, a reminder that sometimes, it’s not just about bad candidates or bad timing—it’s about the hilariously bad luck some people just can't seem to shake off.

Do you have recruiting Fail Stories?Reply with your epic fails – we'll feature them. Own your blunders, embrace vulnerability, and let's all level up together.

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