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  • The New Deputy – Inside AI Battles, Job Hunt Hacks, and Our Bold New Era

The New Deputy – Inside AI Battles, Job Hunt Hacks, and Our Bold New Era

Unleashing the Future: Dive Deep into the World of Cutting-Edge AI, Master the Art of the Modern Job Search, and Embrace Our Dynamic, Revamped Community!

“Knowing yourself is the beginning to all wisdom”


We're going ALL-IN with a souped-up newsletter – yeah, a bit of a humble brag moment but more on that later.

In today’s email:

  • Job News: The AI talent race is blazing like wildfire

  • Overheard at coffee: Ever been asked to take a personality quiz for a job?

  • Congratulations goes to: The turbo-charged version of The Deputy 🤠

  • Hot Jobs: (keep scrolling down ⬇️)

  • Recruiting Fails: Sharing Recruiting Fails to help others get better

Job News

The AI arms race is blazing like wildfire. OpenAI's playing hardball, throwing down a cool $5M to $10M to snatch the crème de la crème from Google's ranks. Sure, it's mostly stock baits, but let's face it, $5M to $10M is no chump change.

AI is a double-edged sword – brilliant at some tasks, utterly clumsy at others. Don't buy into the blind hype. Dive in, get your hands dirty, and see for yourself what the AI beast can and can't do.

For those who've been in the trenches, testing AI tools, you've seen the relentless, breakneck pace of progress. The battleground for top-tier AI gigs is fierce. The warriors in this field? They're wired differently. They breathe AI, eat code, and live in a loop of endless innovation. Forget the leisure of TV binges, lazy beer nights, or spa retreats. Their world is a relentless codeathon. It's a non-stop, hardcore hustle.

We're not in the ring with OpenAI's hiring frenzy – yet. But if we jump into the fray, our Deputy members will get the first scoop.

Stay tuned, stay sharp. OpenAI is poaching the Googlers, so Sam Altman can keep up.

Overheard at coffee ☕️

Ever been asked to take a personality quiz for a job?

Myers-Briggs Personality Tests

Here's a tip: If you're nudged towards one of these damn personality tests during job hunting, don't hesitate to dig deeper. It’s okay to ask, “Why do you want you me take this test”? Just keep it cool, no need for confrontation.

Employers often fall into the trap of trying to squeeze candidates into predefined personality slots. Probing further into the purpose of these tests can reveal what they're really hunting for.

Take the Myers-Briggs test, for example. Originally, it wasn't even meant for job interviews, but now it's morphed into a recruitment tool, and frankly, it often misses its mark. Hiring teams can end up playing pseudo-psychologist with the results, bypassing potentially great hires.

The more street-smart candidates might game the system, tailoring their answers to match the employer's perceived desires. Meanwhile, others get sidelined simply because their personality profile didn't tick the right boxes for the hiring manager.

Question the relevance of personality tests in interviews. Remember Aristotle's wisdom: know thyself. Shoehorning everyone into a 16 box categories? That's a no-go. People are way more nuanced.

But hey, there's a silver lining. These tests can offer insights into others' personalities, helping you tweak your approach for better interactions. Say, if you're a chatterbox and your boss is the quiet type, maybe save the bear hugs and epic sagas for someone else. It's all about reading the room.

As for me, I've flipped from ENTJ to INTJ. A bit of a rollercoaster, right? But it just goes to show, we evolve. The key? Keep exploring yourself; it's a journey without a finish line. Know who you are, and you're golden.

Congratulations goes to…

Buckle up, Deputy crew! We're hitting the gas with a souped-up newsletter – yeah, a bit of a humble brag moment.

🔥 Welcome to the turbo-charged version of The Deputy by Ramp Talent, now juiced up by Beehiiv. What's in it for you? Think exclusive promos, a kickass referral program (coming soon), and a pumped-up community where top-notch candidates and hiring honchos collide.

🌟 Why should you care? Hold onto your hats – we're rolling out a referral program that's all about the freebies. Picture this: strutting your stuff in some slick Deputy swag and sipping on gratis coffee. Keep your eyes peeled; we've got a stash of perks coming your way.

🚨 New platform, same gutsy mission. Are you ready to rock this? Let's go!🚀

🔥 Hot Jobs - $1K Referral Fee

Recruiting Fails: Dragging a candidate out to lunch and then leaving them high and dry with the bill? Times might be hard, but skimping on the check? That's a no-go. Show some class.

Do you have recruiting Fail Stories? Reply with your epic fails – we'll feature them. Own your blunders, embrace vulnerability, and let's all level up together.