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  • Control Altman Delete, Employment Gaps, and Snoop Dogg's giving up smoke

Control Altman Delete, Employment Gaps, and Snoop Dogg's giving up smoke

Inside the OpenAI Boardroom Shuffle, Mastering Career Pauses, and Snoop's Smoke-Free Switcheroo

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading”

Lao Tzu

Buckle up for our pre-feast frenzy edition! Before we dive into the Thanksgiving break, we're revving up for a Wednesday afternoon call with our FinTech client – our last hurdle before joining the legendary grocery store queue. Who's ready to joust for the last pumpkin pie?

This week's newsletter is landing in your inbox today instead of Thursday, because let's face it, we'll all be too busy feasting and giving thanks!

In today’s email:

  • Job News: Laid off for 7 Months - How do I explain my employment gap?

  • Overheard at coffee: Control + Altman + Delete = Big Changes at OpenAI

  • Congratulations goes to: Snoop Dogg for “giving up smoke” for roasting his marshmallows.

  • Hot Jobs: (keep scrolling down ⬇️)

  • Recruiting Fails: Sharing some reddit recruiting fails - don’t talk trash on email

Job News

Laid off for 7 Months - How do I explain my employment gap to recruiters?

Finding a job is hard.

The other day we met a candidate who had been out of work for 7 months but wasn’t sure how to explain their situation. 

A few weeks in between jobs is okay but it becomes harder to explain after a few months to even years to being in between jobs. Have you ever wondered what to say to recruiters or hiring managers when you have nothing to show after your last job?

Like, the real answer could be you have been watching a lot of Netflix and are all caught up on the latest Yellowstone movies but we all know that’s not going to fly. 

Here’s what we recommend you do:

  1. Be honest. Explain the layoff, focusing on the fact that it was a broader company or economic situation, not a reflection of your personal performance or capabilities.

  2. Flex. If you did any professional development or freelance work, now is the time to bring that up. It’s okay to flex a little on what you have done during this time, especially if you were paid to do it. 

  3. Attitude. If you have been doing a lot of Netflix binge watching, don’t bring that up. Instead, say something like, “this period has been a valuable time to reflect on your personal growth and you are prepared and ready to contribute effectively in your next role”. Basically, have a good attitude, and show your enthusiasm. A good attitude can go a long way.

Remember, a layoff is a common occurrence and nothing to be ashamed of. Many hiring managers understand that layoffs are part of the business cycle and, especially in times of economic downturns, are often unrelated to individual performance. 

The key is to demonstrate how you’ve used the time productively and how this makes you an even stronger candidate now.

Overheard at coffee ☕️

Control + Altman + Delete = Big Changes at OpenAI

Last Friday, OpenAI's board gave Sam Altman the boot as CEO, slotting in Mira Murati, the then-CTO. This triggered a domino effect – Greg Brockman, OpenAI President, peaced out faster than you can say "resignation" after catching wind of this. Word on the street is he's cooking up something new, but that's hush-hush for now.

But wait, there’s more – the weekend turned into a resignation party at OpenAI. Senior execs were dropping like flies. In a desperate Hail Mary, the board tried to claw back Altman, but too little, too late.

Come Monday, plot twist: Microsoft, one of OpenAI's big-time backers, swoops in. Satya Nadella announces Altman and Brockman are jumping ship to Microsoft, not to babysit their Return to Office program (yeah, as if), but to spearhead a cutting-edge AI research team. Meanwhile, back at OpenAI’s ranch, Emmett Shear, former Twitch bigwig, steps up as the new sheriff in town, aka CEO.

Keeping up? Don’t bother, this plot’s likely to thicken more than grandma’s gravy post-Thanksgiving.

Here’s the takeaway: Don’t underestimate the players in this game. Something’s brewing in the cauldron of Sam Altman, Microsoft, and OpenAI. It’s all about following the talent and the money trail.

AI’s streets are a battleground right now, and Elon’s Grok/xAI is prowling around like a wolf waiting to pounce. It's a world where loyalty is as thin as a software update.

The big picture? You can take the brains from OpenAI, but you can't take the AI from the brains. Keep your eyes peeled on the AI world’s movers and shakers – they’re the ones rewriting the script.

Congratulations goes to…Snoop Dogg

Congrats to Snoop Dogg for pulling a fast one on us. He's been all over social media claiming he's "quitting smoke" – classic Snoop misdirection.

Turns out, he's just hyping up his latest venture, the "solostove" fire pit. This thing’s claim to fame? It burns without the usual smoke. Clever move, Snoop. Got us good.

🔥 Hot Jobs - $1K Referral Fee

Recruiting Fails: Over heard a recruiting fail on reddit…”One time I tried to forward an email from a client to my coworker and ended up replying to him saying “look at this f’n a$$hole”. He forwarded the email to my owner but luckily my owner and I were on great terms and he used it as a learning experience. (I got lucky) - ProTip: don’t talk trash about clients via email.

Do you have recruiting Fail Stories? Reply with your epic fails – we'll feature them. Own your blunders, embrace vulnerability, and let's all level up together.